Affordable Ways to Boost a Home’s Curb Appeal

By: Tori Fuller

Many homeowners want their home to make a great first impression when guests or family arrive at their front door. Curb appeal helps to set the stage for your home and gives visitors a sense of what to expect on the inside. Check out these affordable ways to boost a home’s curb appeal without breaking your budget in the process:

Trim it up

Grab a nice pair of hedge clippers and trim up any overgrown plants that need a little bit of help. Shaping shrubs and removing dead limbs will help to easily boost your curb appeal without spending any extra money. Consider trimming up trees as well that may have grown over the roofline or are hanging too low in the yard. Tending to your yard in this way will help set a clear picture of your home and communicate that you take care of the inside as well as the outside. Paying attention to the details matters. When you’re done with the trimming, consider storing all of your outdoor tools in an outdoor storage trunk to help keep everything organized and put away.

Fix the Small Things

Every home has small little projects that get overlooked because they seem to take more time than they are worth. However, when trying to beautify your home’s exterior, consider taking the extra time to fix all of those small projects that can actually become eyesores for guests. Things like a rip in the window screen, a burnt out lightbulb, or a detached gutter are things that don’t take up too much time and can quickly be fixed. Take inventory of all of these small things and easily get them done to upgrade the look of your home.

Add Pops of Color

Homes that stand out to guests are those that have a solid color scheme. Step back from your home and consider the paint and roof color to choose an accent color to use in your front yard decorations. You don’t need to add a lot of color to instantly upgrade the look of your home either. Simply add a door wreath, use colored plant pots, or add a few throw pillows to a front porch rocking chair to seamlessly complement your home. Other ideas include painting your front door in a different color to quickly stand out to guests. Don’t be afraid to choose something bright like a red or teal if it fits into your color scheme. Black is also a great color for a front door to convey a high-end look.

Take Care of the Lawn

This may be assumed by many homeowners but lawns can quickly and easily get out of hand. Make sure to mow your lawn regularly in order to keep it looking sharp. Weeding and edging a lawn is also very important to do in order to keep the lawn healthy and communicate with guests that you care for all areas of your home. Take notice of any bare spots in the lawn and add grass seed in order to cover areas of the lawn that aren’t doing well. Consider hiring a lawn care company or read up on lawn care in your area to always make sure your lawn is looking its best.

In addition to keeping your lawn, improving your overall landscape can be some of the best and cheapest improvements you can make.  Jeff Knox, a Dallas Real Estate Broker, says, “Big box stores like Home Depot and Lowes stock the best plants for local landscape zones which make the plants both very affordable and readily available.  Lawn care and landscape are both equally important when getting your home ready to sell.

Replace Dated Lighting

Outdoor lighting is important as it provides safety and security to a home as well as gives you extra light when chatting with neighbors at dusk. Consider replacing outdated lighting with new lights that will add value and style to your home. There are many different styles available depending on the overall look of your home that will easily add curb appeal. Consider adding string lights under a patio umbrella to add ambiance and warmth to your outdoor seating area. Choose solar outdoor lighting that won’t add any extra costs to your electric bill and is also environmentally friendly. Easily install new outdoor lighting that will add a polished overall look to your home without costing too much.

There are many ways to boost your home’s curb appeal without spending too much. Consider replacing the outdoor lighting or adding pops of color to the front porch area in order to raise the overall look of your home. Keeping the lawn mowed as well as trimming up trees and bushes will also automatically create a welcoming overall feeling for guests. Fixing the small things will help to pull together the upgraded look of a home will easily boost a home’s curb appeal.

Tori Fuller is a DIY enthusiast, taking any trash she can get her hands on and turning it into a luxury item to envy. When she doesn’t have her hands in a tin of paint you can find her perfecting her nature photography techniques.

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